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  • Double Swivelled Four Leg DH Turbo Nozzle Centraliser & Safety Pipe

Double Swivelled Four Leg DH Turbo Nozzle Centraliser & Safety Pipe

Stainless Steel ½”

Used with all the penetrators, in straight lines from 150mm and above. Designed for the assembly to travel parallel to the bottom of the line, in a straight in the line, to protect the assembly from unnecessary ware, penetrate on a 90-degree angle to the blockage whilst cutting through tree roots, hard fat and wipes.

Use the safety pipe connected to the penetrator with a stainless-steel ring on the front turbo nozzle to cut higher and with more power forwardly.

Use the safety pipe connected to the penetrator, with cap to flush out lines or to push forward debris. Replace the cap with a rings cap, add the ring and it lifts the front position of the cap to push something that is in a higher position.
